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Lori Gavrilis

Looking for information on my Grandparents Theodore Demitrios Gavrilis Born January 25, 1893 and Mary Gus Gavrilys (Coukoulis) Born September 15, 1900 both from Kythera, Greece

Paop's parents were Demetrios Yiannia Gabrilis "Boukiouros" and Politimi Gavrilis (Hristianos). 

His siblings were John Demitrios, Nicolas Demitrios, and I also believe Panayiotis, Andonis, and Zaharias were his brothers. 

We have photos of the home Papo grew up in.  The family estate I hope to visit in a few years.  


YiaYia's parents were Constantinos (Gus) Coukoulis and Kiriacoula Coukoulis (Logothetis). 

Her siblings were Cosmas, Theodore, Pauline Boomis (Coukoulis), Penelope Sherwood (Coukoulis), and Stavroula. 

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