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Looking for photos of Kytherians
Kytherian Genealogy Project by Amalia and Kalie have been researching Kytherian family history for over 10 years. We now need your assistance to match photos of people born in Kythera more than 100 years ago to their birth records in our files.
If you have photos of your ancestors or anybody born on the island that you would like to contribute to our project, we would love to have a copy. Photos can be sent to us at All credit for the photo will be given to the contributor and acknowledged in our research.
We do intend to publish our work when complete so the memories of these people can live on for generations to come To date we have 2,500 people identified with a photo and we are aiming for over 3,500 when our work is complete. It is our intent to share these photos in family trees.
We only need a photo of the face of each person. If there are a lot of people in a photo, we will be cropping it, so the file size needs to be large, so the subject is clear enough to use.
Please describe the person who is in the photo and if there are multiple people could you please explain who each person is. We will also need dates or name of a spouse or father or some detail that will help us match the person to their birth record.
If you would also like to add a bit of a history of each person, we can add that to our files as well. The more we know now the more that will be remembered about these people in the future.
If you have any photos where the names of people have been lost to history, you can send them through. Maybe we can help no or in the future. We have had a lot of success on social media, especially Facebook listing photos of unknown people and our followers have managed to identify photos.
The photo can be taken anywhere in the world and at any time. We can only use one photo per person, so please send us a photo that you believe that person would like to be remembered as for generations to come. Most photos we have are wedding or young-mid adult ages, but we have a lot of older people and even babies. Something is better than nothing.
Amalia and Kalie