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Looking for relatives of Spiros Corones
Seeking information on SPIROS CORONES relatives on Kythera. Born: 25th. Oct.1892, somewhere on Kythera, Died: 25th. Dec. 1970,
Camarillo, California, USA. Parents believed to be James Corones and Mary Freelingos.
Unknown date when left Kythera. Arrived San Francisco
on SS MAITAI from Wellington, New Zealand on 11th. May 1911 with John Freeligos (probable cousin) and last address on Edward St., Brisbane. Also listed a brother George Corones in Brisbane.
The only relative we know about here in the US is a cousin Anna Freelingos who lived in Phoenix,
Arizona at one time. Do not know where she is now.
My sister and cousins (all grandchildren of Spiros Corones) will be on Kythera Sept. 30th. through Oct. 3rd. to see if we can locate any Corones relatives on the island. We would like to meet with anyone who can help us find our "Greek Connection" while on Kythera.
Please respond to if you can help. We will be staying at the Venardos Hotel in Agia Pelagia, leave message at hotel desk for Joe Corones.
Thank You Kythera Famaily Net.