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Maria Whyte


I have been searching for Lourandianika. Also spelt Louradianika. My grandfather The Reverend Emmanuel Lourandos founded this village and it consisted of seven homes, all occupied by the Lourandos family. I spend many happy times there when I was 15 going on 16. I spent a year in Cerigo. My grandfather, and grandmother are both buried there, their burial plots are against the church of Agio Georgi and my great grandfather and great grandmother are also buried in a similar fashion as my great grandfather was a Greek Orthodox priest. When I returned some years ago, I found that my beloved uncle Nicholas Lourandos, who had returned to Cerigo to care for his parents passed away there. His sisters my Aunt Chrisanthi who lived in Upper Livadi passed from Cancer, as did my Aunt Manti (Diamanti) Calligeros also passed from cancer. My great Aunt Helen was nearly 90 years old when I was there as a child. I still have the jacket which was part of the genuine island costume worn, and I treasure it. My sister Kyriakoula Iliopoulos (nee Marcellos) and I Maria Whyte (nee Marcellos) inherited the house which my uncle Nicholas lived in until his passing, and at the request of our cousin Emmanuel Calligeros, sold it to him so as to keep it in the family. My elderly Uncle Nicholas used to drive his tractor down to Agio Georgi every night to light the candles in the church and to make sure it was securely locked, as renovations were being carried out. He is another Nick Lourantos, not the one who returned from Australia to care for his parents. I have been informed that the church has now been restored, but I cannot get any views of the village when I search for them even though the name is listed.

My love for Cerigo is very deep, and I am terminally ill, and disabled and cannot walk, but my greatest wish is to return to the island where my heart belongs, to see out my final days. If this is not possible, then my husband of over 40 years, and an Australian, informs me that he will do everything in his power to have me returned to my beloved Cerigo to be laid for my final resting place.
I would appreciate any effort which can be made to get a photo of Louradianika on the web. My father came from Kato Livadi, the son of Reverend Emmanuel Marcellos. The other children of the marriage, my grandmother was Kyriakoula Marcellos, were George, John, Peter, Stamatis(my father) Christina, Angelikoula and Katina. Aunt Angelikoula and Katina never married. My mother was the youngest daughter of Rev. Emmanuel Lourantos and Maria Calligeros, and her sisters were Chrisanthi, Manti, and brother Nicholas. She is the last living member of the Lourantos family and is aged 89. She says she is ready for God to call her. I wish her peace and pray to the Mertithiotisa to claim her in her sleep, so she may join my father and her family peacefully. I am terminal as I said, but I believe my grandfather has whispered in Gods ear to spare me for now, as I still have work to do here on earth. This I leave in Gods hands.
Is there any way we can get some photos of Louradianika on the web? I spend my life bed ridden, and seeing my beloved Cerigo is so important to me, and I am sure there are many members of the family who would appreciate it also.

I respectfully request any assistance you may be able to help with, will be gratefully appreciated.

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