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John Fardoulis

Magical Agios Kosmas

I've posted information here previously about how a path was reopened to Agios Kosmas at Paliokastro, with the first service held there in perhaps more than a century, at the end of July, 2010.

Here's two more videos that help share the magical experience.

Try closing your eyes and just listen to sound from the first video to let your mind wonder.

Harmonies and acoustics are really moving.


Some first, second and future Diaspora-born people of Kytherian origin may drift away from their heritage. Experiences like this provide insight regarding where our ancestors came from; physically, cultural and spiritually.

Principles of the Greek Orthodox religion are explained by Bishop Seraphim, Kythera's Metropoliti in this second video.


The service brought together belief & faith with culture and history. It also brought together a wide cross section of people.

In the beginning, we didn’t think that student, archaeologist and volunteers from the general public would be able to cut through enough thorns and bushes to open a walking trail all the way to Agios Kosmas.

With this in mind, local farmers Jimmy Galakatos and Kostas Moulos came to the rescue, busting a gut with chainsaws, to finally cut the path as far up the mountain as Agios Kosmas.

After that we took hundreds of people into the church during the month that followed, and explained how Kythera's ancient capital functioned for at least 500 years before Christ, on the side of the mountain.

You can feel how moving the service was for all generations, particularly youth, who don’t get exposed to such powerful events very often.

Every icon, candle, tables, arto bread, the big brass candle stand with sand etc. had to be carried up the mountain by volunteers.

We're currently working on an annual service to take place at Agios Kosmas, at the beginning of July this year.

Planning is also underway to open trails to two more churches in July, others that are currently cut off.

You can email me: john.fardoulis (at) gmail.com to volunteer to help or find out more information about when such services will take place.



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