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Kytherian World Heritage Fund

Maria Hill, author of Diggers & Greeks

will talk about the book at the next meeting of the Society of Women Writers NSW Inc on

Wednesday, November 10

Venue: Dixson Room, State Library of NSW, Macquarie Street

Workshop (10 – 11.50) Dawn Bruce “Close Observation: Magic for all Genres”

Literary Lunch: (12.30- 1pm)

Member Talk: (1- 1.20 pm) Member Talk Maria Hill Diggers & Greeks
[20 minutes]

Guest Speaker: (1.25 - 2 pm) Cheryl Koenig Paper Cranes [30 minutes]

Book sales: 2pm onwards (conclusion 2.30pm)

Cost: $30 for non-members, $25 for members, $10 for workshop

Bookings required by 10am Mon 8th November (02 9959 5568 or 02 9153 0621)

Dr Maria Hill – Publicity Officer - Society of Women Writers


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