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My father Jim Zantis (Dimitris Zantiotis) born 1896 was a lad when the following anecdote or tale was a favourite in the Karava, Vouno district. Algerian pirates terrorised the Mediterranean for centuries. It was Giorgo's , (surname not given ) misfortune to be captured by pirates and forced into labour aboard one of their vessels.
'What's become of Giorgos? Vanished? How? His poor wife, his children! What can, have happened?' Later to become, 'Where on earth is Mavro Giorgos.' ( black George), the prefix 'black' commonly used to describe the untoward became the customary way to refer to Giorgos. Ten years passed. At a Feast of Ramadan, the pirate captain said, 'Giorgos you have served us well these years. Tell me, what does your heart desire and it's yours?'
'I desire to go home to my family.
'Then you will.'
Giorgos returned home to much celebration. The nickname coined in his absence, was retained.

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