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Roslyn Richardson Nee Davies

re John Kavazos

John was my grandfather his first son (my father) was adopted by his mothers sister and her husband Walter and Mary Davies nee Jehn My Dad was born as Jack Jehn 9/11/1917 and as they were not allowed to get married they eventually adopted him out on 21/1/1918, except for a few members most of the family refuse to accept this and the documentation from the adoption board but it would be nice if they started to accept that we are one family My father was a carrier of sickle cell anaemia which is a genetic disease which I unfortunately have I also look like my grandfather but now I would like to go back to our roots and after learning about the history of Kythera it will be very hard in going back more then a few generation Hope someone can help with this family or let me know who to contact in Kythera

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