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James Prineas

Research Work

As I am doing research on Kythera during WW!!, I wish to find copies of the two following books:
"Η Εαμικη Τυρανια" του Κονσταντινου Σταθη (1945-46)
"Τα κατα την θποδουλωσιν εις Γερμανοιταλους" του Ι.Π. Κασιματις (1957)

I would very much appreciate if I could borrow or buy copies of these books. The writer, C.E. Stathis published a second book, "Enslaved Kythera" in which he published letters of appreciation from Kytherians in Australia and America to whom he had sent copies of his first book.

please reply to:
Heriklia Castrisos, [email protected]

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