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George Poulos


Athens, 9 June 2004


Sir Sean Connery and his wife, Lady Micheline Roquebrune Connery, today visited ATHENS 2004 President Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki. The world-famous Scots actor expressed a wish to meet Mrs Angelopoulos to be informed of the course of Olympic preparations.

Taking questions from journalists, he said:

CONNERY: A very impressive personality [Mrs Angelopoulos]. I was impressed by the presentation of the preparation. I must say that I have been following it, as quite knowledgeable about the background. You cannot be anything but impressed with the journey that she has made and what she has done. We had a very nice conversation about after the games, what happens, the amount of work, and the statistics.

A JOURNALIST: Are you going to come during the Olympic Games?

CONNERY: Well I was explaining that to the President. I am preparing for a film at the moment and it is going to take me two or more weeks to get a diary calendar together. I am hoping to be able to come either at the beginning or at the end, or some time. At the moment it is difficult because of my schedule. I am sure the Games are going to be tremendous. It has been quite a drama to get down to the wire.

A JOURNALIST: We will be glad to have you here again during the Olympic Games.

CONNERY: I definitely want to come. I am sure the Games are going to be a huge success because they will be different, because Greece is different. For example, see how successful the Games were for Australia and even Los Angeles, its also great that it is here in Europe.

Sir Sean and Lady Connery then visited the Olympic Complex, escorted by ATHENS 2004 Executive Director, Yiannis Pyrgiotis and OCOG technical staff, and saw the Olympic Velodrome and the Olympic Stadium. Sir Sean Connery showed particular interest in details of the construction. He commented:

“I have seen it from the road and it’s impossible to comprehend how exciting is the use of space. It is like being somewhere else, unique and also still being able to see Athens. The appearance is exciting. Amazing the interior of the whole stadium. As a construction, as a concept, as number of seats, it is an impressive space that you cannot believe it only by being here, witnessing it. The scale of everything in here, you see these tiny figures up on the roof at the stadium here with seats for 75,000 people I am certain it will be a huge success.”

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