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Institute Of Kytheraismos


Institute of Kytheraismos



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2nd International Symposium of Kytheraismos
“INTER-KYTHERAISMOS: The new spirit of the Kytherian Diaspora”

Hellenic Club, Canberra
15 - 17 September 2006

Dear compatriots all over the world,

The Institute of Kytheraismos in association with its local Committees around the world, the Kytherian Brotherhoods and other Associations, is making preparations to conduct the second International Symposium of Kytheraismos: Interkytheraismos: The new spirit of the Kytherian diaspora.

The thematic sections of the Symposium are:

1. Kytherian Inter-Conncction and Communication
a) Kytherian Diaspora all around the ssorld
b) Information connecting Kythcrians
c) Philo-kytherians
d) Kytherian Politics

2. Inter—Kytherian Associations
a) The contribution of the Kvtherian diaspora to the Pan—hellenic bodies (communities, clubs. ete)
b) Inter—connections of the Kytherian associations all around the world: associations, committees, world coordinating committee, etc.
c) lnter—Kytherian associations agreements:
Memorandums of understanding.
d) The Kytherian Australians of Kythera (The association of repatriated Kytherians)

3. Inter-Kytherian history, society and culture
a) Kytherian emigration experience:
b) Kytherian women
c) The old aged Kvthcrians:
d) Canberra. The cultutral capital of Kytheraismos for 2006

4. Kytherian Economic Area
a) Investment on Kvthera
b) Thinking of the motherland
c) Kytherian Professionals

5. Inter-Kytherian Youth
a) Youth interconnectton (list of e—mails)
b) Students mobility
c) Training programs

The presentations must be limited to a maximum of twenty minutes. The official languages of the Symposittm are Greek and English. Those wishing to present a paper should complete the registration form below, giving personal details, the title and a short abstract

Please send registration forms by 31 of July to the following address:
Mr Elias Marsellos.
Institute of Kvtheraismos.
81 Heroon Polytechniou Ave,
Piraeus 18536. Greece,
tel. 301210.4599414.
fax. 30210.4599415,

email: [email protected]

The Organising Cornmiittee will try to cover the costs of accomodation and hospitality for the participants. It will also cover the transportation expenses of one member of every Kytherian Association, and two members of every local Committee of the Institute.

The conference will host some cultural events, and there will he a visit to the historical and Hellenic sites of Canberra.

The Organising Conintittee will issue a second circular with additional information in the near future.

The chairman
Elias A. Marsellos

2nd International Symposium of Kytheraismos
“INTER-KYTHERAISMOS: The new spirit of the Kytherian Diaspora”

Hellenic Club, Canberra
15 - 17 September 2006



First name:




Thematic Section:

Title of the proposal:



Please, complete the above Participation Form and send it to:

Institute of Kytheraismos,
81 Heroon Polytechniou Ave,
Piraeus 18536. Greece,
tel. 301210.4599414.
fax. 30210.4599415,

email: [email protected]

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