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George Poulos

The Day they blew the church at Ayia Pelagia to Kingdom Come.

In 1942, three Kytherians, Haralambos Coroneos ("'I Horyos"), Nicholas Souris ("Varvarkis"), and Yiannis Mavrogeorgios ("Fatseas"), decided that they would move a German unexploded bomb from the beach at Firi Ammos into the church at Ayia Pelagia, and try to remove the dynamite from it.

[For fuller version of the story see History, sub-section, Oral History.]

Two of the three were killed, and Yiannis was traumatized by the experience.

The church at Ayia Pelagia was "blown to kingdom come".


1. What are other Kytherian's memory of this event?

2. I wonder whether a photograph of the devastating aftermath of this tragedy exists?

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