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James Prineas

Xenaphon Moussas and Yanis Bitsakisto to lecture at the Zeidoros Centre, Kapsali

5th AUGUST, 2012.

9:00 pm.

Zeidoros Centre for the Arts & Education is located in Kapsali bay. It consists of a listed Venetian building, an amphitheatre and a restaurant area.

The building hosts seminars, conferences, and exhibitions, during the season. The theatre hosts performances and concerts. Visitors can enjoy a performance accompanied by a quality bottle of wine.

Zeidoros Centre for the Arts & Education
80100 Kapsali, Kythera / tel.: +30 2736038212


Xenaphon Moussas is a member of the AntiKythera mechanism Research Group.

Xenaphon MOUSSAS

Website http://www.cc.uoa.gr/physics/sections/astrophysics/hellenic/space00.html

Associate Professor in Space Physics
Director of Astrophysics Laboratory
Faculty of Physics
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Panepistimiopolis, GR 15783 Zographos, Athens, Greece
Tel +30 210 7276853, +30 210 7276769, fax +30 210 7276725,

Email, Xenophon Moussas


Academic information

Affiliation National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Position Director of the Astrophysics Laboratory, Associate Professor CV
Xenophon Moussas is a Professor in Space Physics at the University of Athens, Director of the Astrophysics Laboratory. He leads the Space Physics Group.
He has a BSc in Physics (1971) and a Ph.D. (1977) from the from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has 30 years of experience in Space Physics working at the University of Athens and at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (formerly Senior Visiting Research Fellow for many years).

He has written 90 articles in scientific journals, several in conference proceedings and several book reviews. He is co-author of a book on Space Physics (Greek Open University Publishing House, Patras, 2003), co-author of (a) Astrophysics, (b) Space Physics, (c) Astrophysics Laboratory Exercises, notes for the students.

He has supervised 12 PhDs (he presently supervises 4 PhD students), some 200 BSc theses and several MSc dissertations.

Research interests:

Space Physics: solar wind, STEREO mission (NASA, launched 2006), Ulysses mission, solar Alfven surface, the heliosphere in 2 D,
Cosmic rays,
Planetary environment Mars ionosphere and magnetosphere, Titan and Enceladus
Solar physics: ARTEMIS IV Digital Radio Spectrograph (7m diameter) at Thermopylae, Greece (French-Greek collaboration),
WIND/WAVES spacecraft experiment,
IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer), European Radio Observatory on the Moon.
History of Astronomy: The Antikythera Mechanism, ancient celestial spheres.

More than 150 articles in encyclopedias.
Many popular science articles
Many Radio and TV programmes and interviews

Distinction: American Geophysical Union: editor’s citation for "excellence in refereeing" in Space Physics, Geophysical Research Letters, 2001.

NASA award, 2009,(Group achievement award to Ulysses team for outstanding multidisciplinary team effort which culminated in the highly successful operations and prolific scientific return of the Ulysses mission).

Peer reviewer for European Science Foundation.

Exhibitions of the Antikythera Mechamism:

I had had several exhibitions or contributed to exhibitions: NASA, New York (Children Museum of Manhattan), UNESCO (Paris, inauguration of the International Year of Astronomy, Upsala Gustavianum Museum (the exhibition doubled the number of visitors in the year), The Library of Alexandria, Institute of Astronomy of the Slovac Academy, Crakow University, Olsztyn Planetarium (Copernicus observatory in Poland), Budapest, Cairo, Constantine (7eme salon' astronomie, Algeria), The Venetian Institute of Science, Letters and Arts, Cyprus, and many in Greece (Ionian Center, The University of Athens, University of Patras, many schools).

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