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Spiro Zantiotis

ZANTIOTIS Family History help?

I'm putting together our family tree and I'm looking for ancestors of Kosma Panayotis Zantiotis b 1881 d 18/03/1958. Kosma married Anna Samios and they had at least 6 children. Kosma's father was (I think) Panayotis Kosma Zantiotis who I don't have any information on. Their villages were Karavas and Vouno and their parachoukli was Girande' (year-an-dee) or something like that. My father Frankescos (Frank), 25/04/1922, was brought up in Karavas while his family lived in Vouno as their house was too small. He left the island to work for his sister Haroula in Athens when he was 11 or 12 and was sent to Australia sponsored by his uncle Peter Samios around 1937. All I know is that my grandfather made bricks/ovens and the story goes that the ZANTIOTIS families had come from Zakynthos(Zante).
Can anyone help?

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