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Kytherian World Heritage Fund

Plans for the Roxy Cafe, the Tourist Information Centre, and the Roxy Museum

PLANS. .pdf versions.





The $1.4 million Grant

The Australian federal government approved a grant of $1.4 million dollars in November 2009, to Gwydir Shire Council, in order to restore the Roxy Cafe, the Tourist Information Centre, and to create a Roxy Museum, which will be a "Greek-Australian" Museum, and ostensibly a "Kytherian-Australian" Museum.

This will be the only Greek-Australian Museum outside of Melbourne, Victoria.

It will also be the only operational "Kytherian Museum" in Australia, and the World. [The Kytherian Museum in Hora, Kythera, is closed as of 2010.]

This expenditure of $1.4 million, must be added to a previous expenditure, by various Local, State, and Federal Governments, of $1.6 million, to restore the Roxy Theatre.

It is extraordinary that in a town of 1300 residents, such large sums of money have been expended on these projects.

Lets not be under any illusions about this. The Roxy Cinema, Roxy Cafe, and Roxy Boarding House, are "Kytherian" creations. This has been well researched by Peter Prineas, and beautifully explicated in his book Katsehamos and the Great Idea. All are "Kytherian" heritage structures of the first order.

They will all soon be restored to high levels of design excellence, and become living memorials to Kytherian heritage in Australia.

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