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Showing 61 - 80 from 347 entries
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Peter Calligeros - Sydney

looking for relatives my father was George and my grandfather was Peter Calligeros left for Australia in or about 1920


Andreas Markou - New York

My Mother Poppy Markou (maiden name Samios) and father Vassilios Markou from Aloizianika. My mothers father was Panagiotis Samios (kolomigeas) and my grandmother Panagiotitsa Samios. My brother Panagiotis and I live in New York and my sister Eleni lives in Athens. Greetings to all the Kythirians


Christine Mander - San Rafael, CA

I love Greek folk dance and attended regularly the Friday night dance at the old Aitos Taverna in Berkeley. I was saddened by the fact that it no longer exists and by the loss of Ted Sofios, a great dancer. Having recently returned to the Bay Area I was wondering where people dance any more around here?

joan marentis - huntington new york

Thank you for this fabulous site. My paternal grandfather is from Fratsia. We had the pleasure of visiting the island several years ago and it was heaven on earth. Gorgeous! I am trying to trace the Marentis family roots in the homeland. If anyone has any info on the Marentis family and relations kindly message me with what you know as I am attempting a genealogical study of the Marentis family. Thank you :)

Karen Lynn Cominos - Montreal, Canada

I am grand daughter to James Cominos and Maria Kondoleon. They have three children, Helen, Frances, and Emanuel. My Papou had two brothers, Peter and John. I know I have cousins in Austrailia of the Comino family to which I am in touch with. If any one would like to connect with me, I am sure this could be fun!
I am the daughter of Emanuel and I am looking to connect to the Cominos' in my family tree.
Blessings to All ~

Ruth Condoleon - Nanango

Is there anyone who knows of my family heritage out there? I would love to find out more . Regards, Ruth.


Alexander TSAOUCIS - Sydney, Australia

I am third generation Kytherian. I was born in Australia to Charles & Maria Tsaoucis. Charles was born in Parkes to Peter & Lena Tsaoucis.


George Megas - Gold Coast - Ausralia

My grand father EMMANUEL AND. MEGALOKONOMOS was born in Kythera in 1856.
I want to know the names of his parents and also if he had any
brothers or sisters.
Thank you


Anthony Aroney - Los Angeles, California

Was born in 1896 in Aroniathika and migrated to Morea & then Brisbane

Stephen Tsaousis - Australia

My grandfather Stavros Tsaousis was born on Kythera in appr. 1895. He came to Australia approx 1910. Married Stavroula (known as Stella) they had 2 boys, George and Panagiotis (known as Peter Bob). They changed their surname to TSOUSIS. Bob married Rosemarie (anglo-Aust). They have 4 children. Wendy, Stephen, Antony and Andrew. They all grew up in Newcastle.

Despina Plionis - South Africa

I finished school in 1947 june Despina tou Petra if I have anyone out there who still remembers me please contact me a lovely sight seen people come together Thank you

Reply - Andronikos Family-Possible Name Change?

HI Peter My name is Nikos Andronikos. Do you know Stelios' Papous name?? MY papou was John ( born 1846)son of Emmanouil( born 1824 or 1826) to Zoe & Zacharias Andronikos. Manolis had 7 (seven)sons & 1 daughter. Mr Telemachos has done the Andronikos family tree up to MY great grandfather Manolis born in 1824. I have the birth records of Manolis & Kalomyras children born in Logothetianika . Let me know if I can help MERRY CHRISTMAS


Ruth Condoleon - Nanango, Australia

My Grand-Father came from Kytheria. We are related to Tatarakis's, Deponti's, Comino's and Sklavos's. Grand-dad, John Condoleon was born in 1900 to Menos and Marea Condoleon (nee Kasimatis). I'd love to get in touch with my Greek relatives.


Diamanta Souris - Perth, wa

My father Demetre (Jim) Contoleon was born in Virathika. 1 of 5 sons of Yianni & Diamanta Contoleon.

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Vanessa Veneris - Sydney

I'm half Kytherian and was born in Sydney. I'm the daughter of Harry Veneris who lives in Sydney. Other half is Finnish, so the Kytherians also have a Scandinavian connection!

john & Mary Sotos (Tsigouni) - Montreal,Canada

My wife comes from Potamos-Kythira,I am glad I was married to a Kythirian woman,soon we will be there in Potamos.

George Kozmos Korones - Tampa, Florida

Hello fellow Kytherians.........My family are descendents of Cleopatra Stratigos and George Korones of Kythira...If ou know us or are related I would like to hear from you!!!

chrissie marendy - Australia


chrissie marendy - Brisbane/Australia


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