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The Guest Book section of the site is where you can let us know what you think of the site and of anything Kytherian in general.
Please Note: if you are trying to find relatives or information or would like to announce a Kytherian event, please don't put it here. It belongs on the message board .

Showing 341 - 347 from 347 entries
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Elleni Chambiras - Sydney Australia

My father's father is from Potamos, Harambros Tsambiras and his wife Emila Jenkins (Tsigounis) originally from Smyrna. I am pleased we have a site that we will all work together to add our details and see all the peices fit together to learn more about our wonderful heritage.
Best Wishes


Christina Toras - Pittsburgh, PA

I am so impressed with the website. My grandmother, Areti Koroneos was from Prongi. My grandfather, Nick Catsoules, was from Potamos. I would like to know of any possible relatives.


Theodore A Aronis - Groton, Massachusetts

Thnxx for the site and an opportunity to learn of our heritage.


Georgia Pine - Beverly Hills, CA. USA

What a wonderful site! I hope we can all begin to add information to it. We in the United States do not have an organized association or group. This could just be the appropriate link to get us going!

Thank you so much for all of you work thus far and hope this website will continue to grow.


James Gavriles - Plymouth,Michigan USA

Great idea. This along with the website of Voyage to Kythera, allows others to enjoy the history and the people from our wonderful island. Thank you.


Emanuel Calligeros - Brisbane, Queensland

Congratulations on this wonderful website. I cannot wait until I can submit the family tree of my family which I have been working on for a number of years. Good luck with all the entries and wishing you every success on this venture.

Maria Londy - Hong Kong - Sydney (Australia)

Sinxharitiria kai kalo riziko! Words fail to capture the enthusiasm I felt as I peroused the site. I particularly enjoyed reading the pages – oral history – on the Kytherians of the far north coast of NSW. It brought back fond memories of my early years, growing up in Casino. Indeed, a time to reflect on the past. I wish you every success in 'bringing to life' the history of the Kytherians of the diaspora!


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