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Showing 321 - 340 from 347 entries
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Eve (Evangelia) Vaggi Scott - Dearborn, MI U.S.A.

I'm the first generation daughter born in the U.S.A of Mary Gavriles Vaggi and George Demitrios Vaggi. I have a huge family tree on my father's side that was prepared and given to me by my first cousin in Australia, Theodore Vanges and his wife Olympia. I'm trying to find my grandfather's brother whom I believe was named Thomas Gavriles. I cannot locate any information on him. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


evelyn cordatos - Sydney Australia

Father, Jack Cordatos (or Theodorakakis) from Potamos. Mother, Xakousti, nee Vangi, raised by her maternal grandmother in Diakopoulianika.


Haralambos Kritharis - Vancouver/Canada

SYNXARITIRIA ! yperoxi istoselida. WOW this site is fantastic. Let me know if you need help


Leslie James Comino - Bundaberg Queensland Australia

I've found a wealth af knowledge my father refused to let out in his lifetime. Being Australian-born myself this is great. Thank you Kythera-Family.


Emmanuel Venardos - Brisbane,Australia.



Emmanuel Strategos - Bakersfield, California, USA

My grandfather, Emmanuel came with his family ( father James and mother Stephanie) to Boston in 1912.


Stephen Stratigos - Sydney Australia

My grandfather came to Australia in 1907. His name was Peter (Panayotis) and his father's name was John (Yannis). He was a priest and his wife name was Kyrani.He also taught English at a school there.


Eleni Camaris - Sydney Australia

I was both pleased and amazed when I came across this website while surfing the net!
May we all contribute to
making it a successful web of Kytherian heritage!! I'm really looking forward to seeing the recipe section take off!


Terry Chlentzos - Santa Barbara California USA

What a great site! I visited Kythera many years ago, and hope to take my daughter next year to introduce her to her heritage.


Robin Tzannes - USA

Congratulations - you have created a really valuable site for all Kytherians. It is beautifully designed and very easy to use. This is the most fun I've had on the internet since ebay!


Spiro Coolentianos - Sydney Australia

Congratulations on the launch of a great web site. This is a great way of ensuring the history of the island is kept and can be accessed for all to view. From what I can remember of my grandfather Panayoti Koulentianos (1880-1974)who ran the Barber shop in Potamos and who was Kythera's unofficial English translator, he would be very proud to see the heritage and stories being passed along to future generations.


Emmanuel George Conomos (Megaloconomos) - Sydney Australia

Family Paratsoukli "Koutsounis" fathers name was George (marangos)mothers name Stamatico Casimaty from Vrimona.


Ourania Nina Conomos (Megaloconomos) - Sydney, Australia

Fathers family paratsoukli is Diakakis. Fathers name is Emanuel George Conomos, mothers name is Elly Haros from Livadi. Brother George and sister Helen.


Georgia Pine (nee Pintsopoulos) - Beverly Hills, USA

I thought I'd start on my collection of genealogical data and see if I find links to others.

My father is from the little village of Moufovifi in Thessaly. My mother, Rose or Garifalia, was born in Providence Rhode Island, USA. Everyone who left the Island took the name of their town as their last time so I'm going to try to list the parachouli (or clan name -- wish me luck!). Rose's mother, my grandmother, was Eugenia (Evgenia)Bey-Moustakas. Her parents were Emmanual and Garifalia Mastoyiannis. She was one of eleven children! Eugenia married Constantine Kastrisos. Constantine was the son of Theodore Kastrisos and Stathoula Anastasopoulos. He had a half-brother as his father married after the death of Stathoula. The half-brother was called Aristides. He was a teacher.
I have started a Pedigee Chart. There is a free software package that the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) website provides. http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/default.asp
It's easy to use and gives a lot of information. I guess that's enough for now as I am still trying to do an oral history on my mother who has a wealth of anecdotal knowledge of my family history.


Petros Kominos - Greece

Thank you all at www.kythera-family.net for creating something nice for Kithira Island and its people.


James Gavriles - Plymouth,Michigan,USA

I am now starting to add some of the many pictures I have from Kythera and from my family that came here to the United States. My father's family was from Logothetianica. My grandfather was Demetrios Gavriles/Gavrilis/Gavrilys. His nickname was "Boukiouros". My grandmother, whom I have no picture of, was Politimi Christianos also from Logothetianica. I show the many spellings of my last name because my father and his brothers came to the United States at different times and in the process of coming through Ellis Island the American officers who wrote down the last names in English gave them their acces to the country all spelled the names differently for all of them. It is amazing as we are all the same family and have 4 different spellings of our last name.
My mother's family was from Potamos. my grandfather was Theodore Panaretos. He marriied a woman from Aegina, Rose Heldaios, and he imigrated to Smyrna , where he had a distillery and grocery business with his young family only to be exiled from there in 1923 with the rest of the Kytherians and Greeks. They all ended up here in Detroit, Michigan, where I live now. I hope everyone that can contribute to this site do so as we are all one family as you might guess. We only need to know how we are all connected. It is amazing how intermarried and related we all are from our beloved little island of Tsirigo.


Katherine Alfieris-Stathis - Livermore California USA

My grandmother, Maria Chlentzos, is from Christoforianika. She was born in 1882. Her mother's name was Efrosini Chlentzos.

She married John Alfieris of Potamos in 1900. They came to the USA in 1903-1907.

I went to Christoforianika two years ago and found it almost deserted. I would welcome any information about the Chlentzos family.


Gerald Katsoulis - Sydney Australia

I am really enjying your website. My father came to Australia in 1923 as a very young boy. I have not seen any of my fathers relatives since he died.My mother was a Casimatis from Pistiyanika. I would love to hear from any of my old friends or any possible relatives I do not know.


John Diacopoulos - Sydney Australia

A fascinating website already.My father Evangelos (Angelo)Diacopoulos migrated to Australia in 1914 and married Marigoula Aroney in 1938 and they spent their working lives in Gosford before moving to Sydney but of course as most kytherians, always regarded Cerigo as their spiritual home.Some of that has rubbed off on their offspring.May the site continue to grow!


Paula Kotakis - San Francisco USA

The goose bumps have not gone away and now there are tears in my eyes. I am two generations removed from Kythera, but the love and tenderness that is evident from all your work on the website is nothing short of astonishing. The website is beautiful and honors the island and its people in a way that is profoundly moving.


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