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The Guest Book section of the site is where you can let us know what you think of the site and of anything Kytherian in general.
Please Note: if you are trying to find relatives or information or would like to announce a Kytherian event, please don't put it here. It belongs on the message board .

Showing 221 - 240 from 347 entries
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David Goldrick - Canberra, Australia

I married a beautiful girl from Kythera, Erofili Zantiotis, and have three children of greek/irish heritage. My dream is to manage a guesthouse on Kythera on the ancestral island but "they" keep moving the boundary stones.


Chris Goopy - Brisbane, Australia

I'm trying to locate confirmation of details of my grandparents marriage, 29.12.1903 in Potamos. Nona- Chrisanthe Coroneo married Theodore Haralambas Catsoulis. Later moved to Australia, living in various places including Whiporee, NSW, Aberdeen, NSW and later settling in Urunga. Most of the family, including my father, Vince Catsoulis, the youngest of 9 and one of two surviving siblings (the other is Dave), now live in Brisbane. I would love any information you can help me with.Papauli was born in Cerigo in 1878.
Hello to all my relatives and family friends. Chris(nee Catsoulis)
PS. Oct. 2004 : It seems each time I visit this fabulous site, I learn more, laugh more and sometimes, cry a little more, all with the emotion of discovery. My Papauli is mentioned in several areas which I have just discovered, History, Arrival Of Greeks in Australia, Northern NSW Greeks, and so on. Theo Harry Catsoulis became well known in the Greek community as a farmer, cafe proprietor and family man.Not mentioned here is that he was a Guard at the Greek Palace in Athens and looked very handsome in his uniform. Thank you for rekindling wonderful memories and creating new ones.


David Haros - Hobart, Australia

My grandfather is George Haros who is mentioned on this website. Thankyou for this interesting and valuable site, I like learning more about my Kytherian heritage!!


Costa Potiris - Sydney-Australia

My father Dimitris had two brothers, Theodoris and Evdoras all born in Asia Minor, Koukloutza village near Smyrna.
In 1922 they were driven out to Greece, My father married Katina Stivaktakis, from Voutes Iraklio, Crete and had me and two sisters Stella and Maria, all born in Crete.
My father's father (Costa POTIRIS)had close relatives who migtared to Alexandria Egypt and USA.
Either my grand father Costa, or his father came to Asia Minor from Kythera, Their kytherian nick name was "delegos" (delegate). Please give me further info if available.


Peter Comminos - Thunder Bay/Canada

Hello and greetings from Ontario, Canada


Stauros (Steve) Sklavos (Pasas) - Sydney Australia

This is the worlds greatest site. I spend hours looking in every corner and sometimes with tears. I’m so happy to see that time, distance or generations doesn’t stop the proud Kytherians looking back to our beloved Island that holds so many memories and natural beauty. I looked in the guest book and saw the names of some very dear friends, and by the way….. O Gianis and Katina on the head of this site are my relatives. Katina is my Mothers Sister married to Panagioti Feros (Elesos) who passed way year ago and she remarried to Gianni. They have 3 more Brothers and Sisters, Anna married to John Kontos (Kondogiani) Sydney, George Sclavos (Mbotsetas) married to Hriso Sydney, and Panagiotis Sklavos (Mbotsetas) married to Maria Avlemonas, what a small world.
My name is Steve Sklavos born in Mitata the first of January 1951. My Father is the now Father Evangelos Sklavos son of Stauros and Katina Sklavos (Pasas), born in Sklavianika Mitata, and my Mother is Eleftheria Sklavos daughter of Philipas and Stamatiki Sklavos (Mbotsetas) also born in Mitata. We left the Island when I was only 6 for Athens and left from there in 1966 for Sydney Australia.
My Father has become a Priest a few years ago in Agia Triada Mitata, and is serving in the Island now. My Sister is visiting there now and I hope soon I will be able to put a flower on the graves of my Grand Parents who loved us so much
To all that contributed to this site, THANK YOU


Panagiotis Protopsaltis - Key west FL Usa

I was born in Mitata , Kythira. I am a Makras and Miliotis. I have been in the United States since 1971. I have 2 kids , Maria and Athanasios. Thank you for the site. With it we can meet other Kytherians from all over the world.


Margaret Brown - Australia

Since first contacting the Administrator in April 2004, I am currently researching my father's life on Kythera and in Australia towards developing our Greek/Australian family tree.

My father was John Pavlakis, born on 1st January 1907. His mother was Staminakey Tambaccus and father Kiriakis Pavlakis. Dad had an older brother, Constantine, and a sister Maria.

My mother is Jean Pavlakis, nee Gibbons, of Irish descent, but fifth generation Australian.

As an Australian born Kytherian, I applaud this initiative and thank everyone involved for the opportunity to be in touch with my Greek heritage.


Tasso Conomos - Menlo Park, CA USA

I am the paternal grandson of Anastasios T. Megalokonomos and Chrysanthy Klenzos (sp), and the son of Iannis A. Megalokonomos and Penelope Venardou. All are from Potamos, except Penelope, who comes from Agia Anastasia (a few kilometers from Potamos). My mother Penelope's parents were her mother, Damiani Venardou, and her father, Stamatis Venardos. I have a sister Chrysanthy Conomos and another sister Anastasia Conomos Condas; Anastasia is a Kytherian mover and shaker, coming every summer and being involved in charitable endeavors. My mother Penelope lives in San Jose, CA, and at the tender age of 93 is still very physically and mentally robust--so, if you want me to ask her about people and families in the Potamos area circa 1925-1950, please email me at [email protected], and I'll try to get some answers.


Erenie Bourdaniotis (Samios) - Sydney Australia

Hello, I am the boy above's (Michael Samios) younger sister. My maiden name is Samios. I am also first generation Kytherian , and yes my parents are also Emmanuel and Matina Samios. Both born in Mitata, dad in 1941 and mum in 1951. My dad is the son of Michael and Erenie Samios, nickname (Hamouzas) and mum is the daughter of Dimitri and Kirani Protopsaltis nickname (Makras). My brother andI have been priveleged to have been back to Kithira many many many times to visit all out uncles aunts cousins and grandparents, and we hope to do so in the future many many times with our own families. Kithira holds a very special place in my heart because it is where my parents grew up and where we have had many special moments. Filakia to all.


Paul Panaretos - Cuyahoga Falls, OH

On 02.08.2004 Ted Panaretos of Jupiter, Florida, U.S., posted an entry to the guestbook. My cousin's grandfather, Theodore Panaretos, was my great uncle. My grandfather, Panaiotis (called Peter after getting work in the U.S.) Panaretos arrived in the U.S. (Massachusetts-Rhode Island-Detroit, Michigan)via Canada. He married my grandmother, Leona (by the Greeks) Flood, from Ireland, who became fluent in Greek. Their two children (son and daughter), born in the U.S., were raised Roman Catholic. I became a priest, serving first for 12 years in the Archdiocese of Detroit, then entered the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and currently live and work in Ohio.


Anna Stratigos - Formont - New York/USA

My father was George Stratigos, born to Peter and Eleni Stratigos from Mylopotamos. He came to the US in 1918. My mother was Triantafilia Kontos, born to George and Eleni Kontos from Areous. She came to the US in 1954. I have many first and second cousins here in New York (Long Island). I am married to Robert Formont and we have two children, Nicholas and George.


David Woods - Mackay - Australia

My grandmother is Thea Aroney (as mentioned in Manual Aroney's Memoirs). Her family is from Kythera. I think this site is great and especially liked reading the memoirs of Manual Aroney. Many things my mother has told me about are mentioned and much more. Now that my grandmother is old she doesn’t remember very well so its hard to ask her about her ancestry. I’m just glad that someone thought of starting this website so that people like me who have little knowledge of their Greek background can learn a little more.


Maria Robertson - Sydney, Australia

My cousin and I are trying to locate our family history. Our grandmother's maiden name was Effie Fardouly born to George & Maria Fardouly (nee Megaloconomos). Would be much appreciated if anyone has information with reference to Maria Megaloconomos father's ancestory


irene michael - San Ramon California USA

My grandmother is from Pitsinanika - her maiden name was Calligeros. She had 2 sisters, Froso who moved to San Francisco and Koola who stayed in Kythera until her death. She had an older brother Steve. He brough her and Froso to the USA the early 1900's. My grandfather is George Tzanne. My great-grandmother was Irene Calligeros. I think my Thea Koola has a surviving son Manolie


Con Aroney - Brisbane, Australia

My grandfather Peter Aroney, MBE, migrated from Kythera to Australia in 1900 at age 14, alone. He returned to Greece to fight in the Balkan Wars and WW1, before marrying Irene Mavromatis from Pitsinathes, and returning to Brisbane. He founded the first Chapter of AHEPA in Brisbane, and was editor of the first Greek newspaper. They had 5 children, and Peter lived to 102 years and Irene to 107 years.

Congratulations on the great website!


Susie Kelly - Orlando Floirda

Great site- My maternal side of the family - Veneris and Fatseas from Kythera. My cousin just came back from the Island last week and says it is the newest hot spot in Greece - and if you have any problems with trying to find land from your ancestor's - the American consulant can assist.

My cousin who is Australian also gave me the same advice with regard to land deeds.


Maria Cavacos - Fells Point, Baltimore, MD

Have been "visiting" the Kytherian site and I really am engrossed in all you have put together! Have contacted 2 of the other "visitors" and will continue to investigate all you have to offer. My fathers family is from there and I have visited often. After seeing my papou's house in ruins, I contacted the mayor of Potamos to see if I could fix it up but never heard back from them. I would love my children and grandchildren to be able to visit there in the future. My cousin Tassee Coroneos recently passed away. He loved the island - and did much for the Gerokomeion. I have seen the video of Tom Coroneos...it is wonderful! keep up the good work- it is is truly a labor of love!


Renae Cassam - seneca,sc

Please forward any information on Panagia -Mesocho-ritissa belongs to the Kassimatis family or/and Pantokratoras? Thank you in advance.


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