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Showing 301 - 320 from 347 entries
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Georgia Flaskas - Melbourne, Australia



Spiro Levonis - Brisbane, Australia

Having visited Kythera for my first time last year (03), I now appreciate what my friends and family have been raving about and what a special Island it is. Thankyou to the organisers of this website! I look forward to seeing the progress. I hope to visit Kythera again in 2005. See you there!


John Zantey - Melbourne / Australia

Hello Kythera-Family.net,
Thank you for such a marvelous site.
I know that a lot of effort has gone into making this a very special piece of web-real-estate, and a sacred resource for Kytherians around the world.
Keep up the good work :)


Tom Coroneos - Oakland, Ca./USA

I don't know which village Niko Koronaios, my patenal grandfather, left in the late 19thC. He settled in Ohio, and raised Peter,(my father). I was raised by my mother, also Greek/American, outside of the Grek culture. I spent 1966/67 teaching English in Chalkis, Euboea, spent a summer on Chios in "93, and made 2 great visits to Kythera. We made a video of the gerokomeon and various hikes, in 2001, and I left 2 (PAL)copies of it on the island, and I am editing it soon for DVD. I'll post some stills on the MISC. folder.


Georgia Flaskas - Melbourne, Australia



Kristina Enright - Australia

Any information where my father Nick Athousis is buried would be much appreciated.


Cleopatra Sclavos - Sydney/Australia

I am the second granddaughter of Evangelos Sclavos (Mavros). My maternal grandfather George Batsinilas was born and raised in Areopoli Mani (Peloponnisos) & took up a policing post on the island in 1945. Whilst on duty he met my grandmother (Patra Sofios). They courted and subsequently married, raising a family in Logothetianika. My grandfather has remained on the island since then. He is an encyclopaedia of local history, personalities and anectdotes. I am proud of being Greek and of my Kytherian ancestry. Thank you for this website and connecting people with their history & each other.


Anna Sclavos - Sydney/ Australia

Maternal 1/2 from Logothetianika. **Above all i'm EXTREMELY proud of being Kytherian. This website once again showcases the beauty of our island,with it's people & places. My grandfather, Evangelos Sclavos (Mavros) migrated to Aust.in 1938. WWII kept his wife Annitsa and son Nicholas (my father) separated until their arrival in Sydney in 1947. It wasn't until 1973 that my late father embarked on a trip to Kythera to marry my mother, Chrisanthy Sclavos (nee; Batsinilas,gen.:Sofios).I am proud of my ancestry and my ancestral lands.


Peter Tzannes - Australia

The best way to describe what Kythera means to us for me is my first trip to kythera. as we approached from crete and we could just see this "pimple" of an island on the horizon, a big smile came on my face for no reason... It was as if There was this hole in my heart that i did not even realise, and now it is filled by coming to kythera. It made me feel complete


Alex Crethar - Hollywood, FL

My name is Alex Crethar. My father was Nicholas Crethar (He changed his name from Kritharis). He had a brother who migrated to America his name was Haralambos. For the purposes of family history. I would appreciate if you could let me know if there is any relationship there.

My father was born in the late 1800's and migrated to Australia around 1918. He served in the Greek Military. If this is your family line - any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.



Kyrani Vlahogenis-Strategos - Chicago/USA

I am 1 of 5 children who were born and raised in Kythera. I married "William Strategos" in 1957 and moved to the USA in 1960, while my 3 brothers moved to Australia and my sister remained in Mylopotamos.


William Strategos - Chicago/USA

My mother and father "Pothety and Pete Stratigos" came to Chicago in the 1920's and I am 1 of 5 children all of whom were born in Chicago and raised in Mylopotamos and Athens.


Peter Coroneos - Australia

My paternal grandfather was Panayiotis (Peter) Coroneos (nickname Bellos) born at Potamos in the late 1870's. I understand he came to Australia in the late 1800's with several of his brothers. He settled in Perth where he established a business, an oyster bar in Wellington Street. His wife, Eriphili (who was a Delaveris) died while still reasonably young, but not before giving birth to a large family of whom six daughters and three sons survived into adulthood. The youngest of their sons, Byron is my father. I am still researching this information and will add more as it comes to light. In the meantime, I have now loaded a number of Coroneos gravestone pics taken at Potamos. No doubt they will not be all related, but might still be of use for those doing genealogy research.


Michael Andronicos - Brisbane, Australia


I am trying to do some research on my family's Kytherian Background. Im am only 16, and i would wish to find out about my great-grandfather. I am unsure of his name, but my grandfather is Charles Andronicos, born in Australia, but his father is from Kythera. If you have any suggestions or information that can help me, it would be much appreciated.

thank you


Peter S Tzortzopoulos (Poulos) - Sydney/Australia

Everytime i visit Kythera i am overcome with a strong emotion of belonging.
This same emotion is present when i visit this website.Great effort to all involved in establishing and maintaining this fascinating and mystic record of our history.


John Tzannes - Sydney/Australia

Being Kytherian has an inner something that I find very difficult to explain. Apart from an overwhelming pride in my heritage there is also an immense respect for my fellow Kytherians.
The mystique that is Kythera the place, also resides within the fabric of all generations of Kytherians.


April Fleming - New York, NY USA


Alice Coram - Greensboro, NC USA

What a wonderful site. I felt almost as though I had been for a visit. I know an unimaginable number of hours have gone into it. Kudos!

Andrew Alexander Coroneo, i Psomas - Sydney NSW Australia

"Bravo for initiative, worthy of financial support."
Father Alec 1898-1970 d.Sydney but interred with parents at Potamos at own request; settled in Glen Innes NSW 1907, motion picture exhibitor. m.1934 to Anastasia Ioannou Diacopoulos "tou Gerou Mai" 1913-1980, from Karavas (Sourris relatives in Baltimore USA). Settled Gosford NSW 1924. m.1934. Andrew b. Armidale NSW 1935; retired pharmacy and travel agency proprietor; "married out" -- "ine xeni alla den pirazi" Nicky Thalassinos from Aliveri,Euboea,1976. Daughters Anastasia, 24, lawyer; Elisabeth, 22, law student; Alexandra, 19, architecture student (all "professional" violinists). Would love to hear from Kytherians of similar interests, esp. classical and folk "musos".


Leone (Eleutheria) Jensen - Aarhus Denmark

This is really a job well done, the website is a way for one like my self, to feel at home and keep in touch with Kythera, Greece and her children, I feel often nostalgic in this part of the world (Denmark) as I have no family, apart from my husband and 2 daughters, and there are not many Greeks living here and if so than I have not met any. What I really want to say is, thank you and keep up the good work.


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