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Showing 241 - 260 from 347 entries
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Anna (Annazena) Hayden (Poteri) - Australia

My father was Peter (Panyoitois) Poteris from Mylopotamos. Dad came to Australia when he was 16 around 1937. He already had brothers here in Toowoomba and he joined them. Dad died in 2000 aged approx 80 - we never knew exactly how old. His brothers were Theo Nicholas Harry Manuel Bill and sisters - Annazena and Rene. Uncle Bill is the only one left living and lives in Brisbane.




Phillip Mazarick - Chapel Hill/USA

Fabulous website!!! Thank You for all the great information. Any one having knowledge of Emanuel or Michael Mazarick (Mazarakis) please forward.


Philip Moir - Burnaby/Canada

Correction! The travel article noting the Kythera story and giving the web address was written by Chris Koentges and published in the Globe and Mail Travel section, Saturday, August 7th, 2004


Philip Moir - Burnaby/Canada

It's said there are two kinds of people, those who are Greek and those who want to be! I'm one of the latter. At least my name Philip resonates Greek! Have not yet made it to Kythera, although visited and enjoyed sites, life and culture of mainland Greece and many islands. Came across the story of Kythera in the Vancouver Sun Travel section. Fascinating and brilliant web-site. Congratulations to Kytherans and Kytheran-lover-webmasters for saving historical Kythera for all who love Greece. Now I'm heading across the street to Manolis Taverna to ask Tassos if he is a Kytheran.


Petro Leftheris - Niles, Ohio, US

Great site. I'm hoping to find info on my family from Kythera.


rebecca messina - Woodbridge, Virginia

(Village:Tsirigo/Sparta). My grandfather was a priest. "Pater" Kosmas Leontarakis - any information will be gratefully appreciated. Thank you.


Connie Tziolis - Australia

My brother told me about this site. The Tziolis farm mentioned in the early 1940's was papu's parents (Christos Tziolis) farm. It was interesting to read about it having heard about the farm from Papu. If anyone else has any other stories from then, I'd love to hear as Papu has passed away and we have no-one to tell us about our heritage.


Ted Panaretos - Jupiter,Fl. U.S.

My people left Kythera and went to Smyrna. My grandfather Theodore was in the wine, ouzo and brandy distilling business. My father Minas left after 1920 for Istanbul, Marsailes, Tampico then the U.S. He last had a restaurant in Detroit seating 500. 10 years after he passed away I opted out and went back to Law School. I guess I'm sort of retired at 76.


Manolis-Emmanuel Kasimatis - France

Hi. I just wanted to say that it was great to find a website like that. I know my ancestors came from Kithira (the rest of my family still lives in Greece) but it was great to discover so many details about the Kasimatis
Emmanuel Kasimatis


Skye Wilson - Australia

What a great site! My grandfather is from Fratsia, John Pavlakis, migrated to Sydney with his first cousin Jack Tambakis around 1930. Planning to come over soon. Thanks again!


Mark Kasimatis - San Diego/USA

My paternal grandfather was Nicholas Kasimatis from Kythera. This website is a fantastic resource!


Tina Aronis - Asbury Park, NJ USA

What a great site.
My grandfather, Harry Aronis was from Aroniathika.


Spyro Calocerinos(Kalokairinos) - Sydney Australia

This site would have to be one of the most important deeds by any Kytherian.The new generation ask questions daily about their ancestors and the island history.This site also gives them the opporunity to undestand and learn the Kytherian culture. Great site by great Kytherians. Bravo!!!


Spyro Calocerinos(Kalokairinos) - Sydney Australia

The late Dr. Dimitris Stais from Hora, I beleive was born in the house at Hora's Kastro. He also had a daughter who I beleive was Mrs Livanos, of the shipping fame. Any information please.


Steve Fatseas - Everett, WA USA

This is such a great site!! I am finding out more and more information about my ancestors every day. Keep up the great work.

Details: My Papou's name was Eugene Fatseas and I believe his fathers name was Nikolaos Fatseas. My Yia-Yia's name was Maria. I'm not sure of her maiden name yet. I believe both Papou and Yia-Yia were born in 1880. I also do not know the town of origin. They had 4 children, Nicolaos (1904), Dimitrios (1905), Helen (1915), and Anastasia (Daisy-1916). Both Nicolaos and Dimitrios were born in Smyrna. They emigrated to the USA on the Themistocles on July 9, 1914. Helen and Daisy were born in the USA. I am researching more information regarding my ancestors so if you have ANY information, please feel free to contact me.


Tony Caravousanos - Dublin, Ireland

Hello Tony Caravousanos is my name from Dublin in Ireland -My Grandfather George Caravousanos left Kato Livathi in the late 1800's his brothers also, Nick and Louis. They settled in New York, USA and farmed in Pennsylvania sucessfully. Grandad George met Anne Martin a scots -Irish, in New York and married -five children. He passed away in 1966 I have returned twice to Kythera and intend bringing many of my New York based Caravousanos clan back at Easter 2005.


John Rampias - Thousand Oaks, Ca

The village name is Potamos, Kythera. Gregoria Panaretos, my Yaya came was born 1892 Married John George Rampias, and move to New Bedford ,Mass. USA. 1921..She had 4 sons George (my father) Stephen, Constantine, and Lambros. They are all deceased now. Her Brother was Cosmos Panaretos. I was told that we had relatives in Australia. My father and uncle Stephen, said they met some during WWII. Just seeing if anyone knows anything about their past.


Anthony Jason Sourris - Brisbane/Australia

What a great web site!
I am the grandson of Angelo Anthony Sourris b. 10Oct1910 Smyrna but that is as far back as we go with family tree - would love to know more.


Anna Avgoustou - Australia

My mother was born Stavroula Theodorakakis (Cordato) in Potamo, and came to Australia in 1947/48 after her parents Dennis & Maria Cordato died. My mother married Harry Dimitratos and I have two sisters, Katherine & Maria.


Virginia ( Eugenia ) Tzimas Nee Sourrys - Australia Recliffe



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