Has anyone got any information on this surname from Crete? Judy L (in Australia)
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Has anyone got any information on this surname from Crete? Judy L (in Australia)
Posted in an Australian Newspaper 9/3/1934 FAMILY'S LONGEVITY. Death at 100. Like Old Man Patriarch. There died in the little village of Ntourianica, not far from the town of Potamos, on Ihe island of Cerigo, one of the Ionian group, on Feb...
Notice of his funeral service 28.09.1927 - 01.03.2012 Beloved husband of Catherine. Adored father of Ann, Helen and Peter. Peacefully on 1 March 2012 Family and friends are warmly invited to attend Archie's service of Thanksgiving at St M...
Premium Holidays invites you to join our military historian Dr Maria Hill on 3 fully-escorted luxury ANZAC tours. Premium holidays, the Mediterranean travel specialists, have designed three luxury Anzac tours to Turkey, Greece and Crete for...
Γιορτη του Αγιου Χαραλαμπου The Karavitiko Symposium invites you to come along and enjoy a superb luncheon to celebrate την ημερα του Αγιου Χαραλαμπου On: Sunday 12th February 2012 At: All Saints Greek Orthodox Hall...
Hello, my name is Steven Notaras Iam just curious to find out out a little more about the Notaras family and how far the name dates back, who are relatives and so on. Any Information would be greatly appreciated.
This is reminder about the talk at Sydney University on Wednesday night. We’ll be showing exclusive footage shot on the wreck. A flyer is here: http://krg.org.au/sydney-mentor-talk.pdf A link to coverage from the ERT NET morning program i...
well, I had a great email from Cosmo, the eldest son of George and Heraklia very recently. Will certainly ring Heraklia very shortly and say hello again. Len Eaton
Supplemenary to Peter Prineas' Roxy message: I spent the first few days of last week in Bingara, attending a Roxy Museum meeting. It is my exquisite pleasure to report the following: 1. The foundations have been laid for the TAFE Hospital...
Plans for a Greek Museum at the Roxy at Bingara, north-western NSW, were greatly advanced this week with the announcement of a major grant from the State Government. Under the 2012 Arts Funding Program, the Museum is to receive $94,500. The funds...
Just wanted to let people know that Jim Gavriles, someone who contributed a fair bit to this web site (at least when I was more active on it) passed away in the US overnight. I think he was 67 years old. Sorry to report such sad news, but I thought...
I am looking for the family of a lady who ? married a Comino/Cominos in Kingaroy in the late 1950's. She worked or they owned the Busy Bee Cafe in Haley St. Thanks Kym
Kalimera, I am looking for accmodations anywhere on the island.Please contact me if you have any information. sf
Does anyone have any vintage photos of Agia Pelagia taken from the sea looking to land? I am looking to find some images of what the village looked like back in the 20's/30's or before there was too much development. Thanks Spiro Zantiotis
The true story of young Greeks in the early 20th century who were called upon to fight endless wars for Greece's 'Great Idea'. As teenagers they emigrated to Missouri, USA. Later, after returning to fight in the Balkan Wars, the exhaustion of their c...
October edition of Gourmet Traveller, ON SALE NOW, and available in Newsagents and Supermarkets, throughout Australia. Author: Gourmet Traveller Magazine When Published: October 2011 Publisher: Australian Consolidated Press Magazines Available:...
The Greek Film Festival returns this 13th-30th October to Norton Street Palace Cinemas Leichhardt with one of the strongest programs to date including internationally awarded and acclaimed films, comedies, dramas, documentaries and three classics by...
INVITATION OLIVE BRANCH AND CHERRY BLOSSOM are the symbols of two countries, Greece and Japan which are far away only on the map. The organizing committee in cooperation with the EMBASSY OF JAPAN in Greece are kindly inviting you on a TRIP TO J...
Special Opportunity! A talk on: The waning of Lord Elgin’s fortune the wreck of the Mentor and the Parthenon Marbles. Excavating a wreck that sank off Kythera in September 1802, carrying Parthenon Sculptures on behalf of Lord Elgin. A re...
Does anyone know of anyone who is coming to Kythira from Athens and can take some stuff of mine,or anyone who transports from Athens to Kythira?