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The Parthenon Sculptures:Four Concerns for Restitution

Hi There, I would like to share this message from Tom Kazaz. Citizens, On Saturday 16 November 2013 at around 3pm, I am giving a talk entitled 'The Parthenon Sculptures: Four Concerns for Restitution'. This will be part of the International...

Churches on the Island

Does St. Spyridon still exist on the island? If so, where/which town or village is in near? Thank you. RLM

Kytherian Association Aged Care Trust Art Union

Tickets only $100 3 Chances in 1000 to win one of these prizes Tickets Available NOW! WIN A GREAT CAR First Prize: Valued at $42,918.00 NEW Toyota RAV4 GXL - AWD 2.5L Petrol On Road - Drive Away, Including Stamp Duty, Registration and...

The Big Fat Greek Book Launch & Fair

You are invited to the launch of many new Greek books, together with other published books in the English and Greek language. With over 30 back titles, this is the biggest Greek book fair ever. All Welcome. Admittance Free Of special inter...

The Book Of Vilah - OCT 20 -Django Bar - Marrickville

The Book Of Vilah will be performing the music from the full performane at the Django Bar in Marrickville, downstairs of the Camelot Lounge - (Cnr 103 Railway Pde & 19 Marrickville Rd, Marrickville (Directly opposite Sydenham Train Station, marrickv...

Bingara Roxy Museum to open Sat 5th April 2014

Join us at the opening celebrations of the Roxy (Greek) Museum at Bingara in northwestern NSW on Saturday 5th April 2014. Greek-style street festival and gala dinner. Further details of the arrangements will be provided in coming weeks. Pet...

Advance Notice - Opening of Bingara Roxy Museum

A date has been fixed for the official opening early next year of the Roxy (Greek) Museum at Bingara in northwestern NSW. Opening formalities and celebrations will take place on Saturday 5th April 2014. A Greek-style street festival and gala di...

re Alexander Phacheas photo

We have long wondered about the the 'A. Phacheas' on my grandfather's marriage certificate who was the male witness at his wedding on the 3 March 1914, in Brisbane, Queensland. Could this be the same person, Alexander Phacheas in the family group ph...


Hi I have some old photos of the ABC café in Gilgandra. I believe my father Angelo Niotakis worked there. I wonder if you would like copies of the photos and if you have any idea of the year they may have been taken would be greatfully appreciate...

Zacharias Panaretos

Thanks Isaac for the wonderful picture of your grandfather when he was a boy. Your grandfather and my grandfather, Theo Andronicos from Potamos, were second cousins related through Theo's mother Panagiatitsa Panaretto. I met your grandfather in Hob...

Family history search Mazarakis/Coukoulis

Am looking for information on relations who came form Cerigo. Names are Antonio, Peter and Andrew Mazarakis three brothers who arrived in Australia at the beginning of the 1900's or just before. Their father's name is believed to be Neelos. Also look...

Happy Birthday Kythera-Family.net!!

I love reading the newsletter and visiting the site. I ahve put this up a couple of years ago but will ask again about my Grandfather: George Samios. Came to Australia (Sydney) arounf early 1900s with his Uncle. His sister Irene came later and eventu...

Annual General Meeting. 2013. Kytherian Association of Australia

Notice of Annual General Meetings for The Kytherian Association of Australia & The Kytherian Brotherhood of Australia View / download an offical notice of meeting here: 2013 Notice of Annual General Meetings.pdf When: Wednesday 26th July W...

re John Kavazos

John was my grandfather his first son (my father) was adopted by his mothers sister and her husband Walter and Mary Davies nee Jehn My Dad was born as Jack Jehn 9/11/1917 and as they were not allowed to get married they eventually adopted him out on...

Friends of Museum of Kythera - EVENT

INVITATION It would be our pleasure if you could join us on Thursday, 6 June 2013, at 7 p.m. at the Philharmonic Centre in Potamos. We will have the opportunity to hear renowned archaeologist, Professor George Huxley who has very kindly agreed t...

The Karavas Water Project

Presentation at University of Sydney:Wed, March 20th 2013 6.45pm for a 7.15pm start Where: Centre of Classical and Near Eastern Studies Board Room, in the Madsen Building  Level 4, Room 480 (one storey up and directly behind the building’s ma...

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

and The Ecclesiastic Committee of “SAINT HARALAMBOS” Central Coast, announce their ANNUAL CAR RAFFLE Prize: A FORD FOCUS AMBIENTE 1.6L PETROL 5 DOOR HATCH AUTOMATIC VALUED AT $24,990.00 Proudly Sponsored By MACARTHUR FORD Supplier...