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Book on Kythera

I am completing an historical novel on Kythera which I have been working on for the past five years. I was wondering if anyone knew of any publishing houses associated with Kythera which are interested in books such as this, or should I use the ...

Kytherian Society of California GLOBAL ZOOM PANIGYRI 2021

Dear Kytherians and Phylo-Kytherians,   The KSOCA is pleased to invite you to participate in our GLOBAL "ZOOM" Panigyri 2021 ! During the last year, the Kytherian Society of California hosted FOUR...

Georgopoulos aka Poulos family

Would like to be in contact with the Georgopoulos family as I have original studio portrait of Bill (Vasili) Georgopoulos aka Poulos and his sons Theo and George from 1923 that I wish to give them. Bonnie (Panayotitsa) and Bill were godparents to my...

Melittas Family Information

Hello. I am looking to find out any information about my grandfather Peter Melittas who came from Kythera. He had a brother by the name Andy and two cousins by the name Con and Theo Trifyllis. They all came out to Australia to live. Thanking you in a...

Stavros Mavromatis father of Panagiota

Thank you to the Kytherian community for supplying me with the name of the father of my gg grandmother Panagiota b. 1816. Would appreicate any infromation on Stavros Mavromatis. At a guess his birth date might be c1790+. Maria

Galakatos family USA

CAN YOU PUT US IN TOUCH -  with family of Mr and Mrs Andrew Galakatos Am seeking to reconnect with the Galakatos family in the USA. Our families were once very close and my mother Frosso (nee Calopedis) Lianos Kolantgis corresponded by letter...

Mavromati(s) - Family lineage tracers

CAN YOU HELP? Am seeking descendants of Stamata (nee Mavromati) B. 1845 Pitsinades, D. 1921 Logothetianika, who married Dimitrios Kombis B. 1840 Logothetianika D.1884 Logothetianika. Can you help with tracing back the maiden name of Stamata&rsq...

Kythera Family Tree

My Papou is Evriades Gavrelis from Logothetianika who came to America before WWI. Evriades and his cousin Agamemnon Sophias had a restaurant In Medford Mass. I would love to connect with any of my Greek relatives. 

Mrs. Grace Porter

My maternal grandparents were Greek . I believe they were born in Smyrna  & emigrated to Egypt. My grandmother Angela Diacopoulou was born in 1883 & had 2 brothers Yianni & Anastassios & 2 sisters Eleni & Konstantina. She mar...

Searching for my Grandfather's family

Hello Everyone, my name is Michaela. I'm searching for my mother's real father's family. I don’t really know much, as my mum didn’t find out her dad wasn’t her father until just before he passed away. My Grandmother...

Looking for information on Dimitri Frelengus born 18 Aug 1890

Hi All   I am trying to find out some information about my grandfather Dimitri Frelengus born 18 Aug 1890. In a marriage certificate I have it listing him as being born in Cythyia Greece which I am guessing is Kythira.  ...


I'm looking for information on the Kontoleon's. Demetrius, Horalambus, Kosta, Stella, Arho were siblings.   

Information about Charalambos and Panayiota Zantiotis

Hi there,   I am seeking information about Charalambos and Panayiota Zantiotis, they were my great grandparents and were parents of a large family in the 1920s.   They came from Potamos in Kythera.   My grandmother is...

Looking for Information

Looking for information about my late father-in-law Peter Victor Kepreotis,he migrated with his family to Australia and had a cafe with his brother Nicolas in Penrith NSW called Aronis. Cheers Wendy 

Samios boxing troupe from Greece 1920s in Sydney

looking for info on a boxing troupe from Greece to Australia in about 1920s. SAMIOS was one of the fighters or maybe even a manager. do not know his first name but he came to Australia to do boxing shows and married a Sydney girl and they had 3 ch...

Finding Tony Peters

Hi everyone,   I’m on the hunt for a family member and was wondering if anyone could help me? I have reached out to quite a few people from the Greek community and they have all said that I should try here.  I am looking for...

George Castrisios cafe in hobart

can anyone remind me of his cafe in Collins Street in Hobart in 50/60's.  he also had a fish/chip further up the street called the Galaxy.  Len Eaton