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The sad passing of Nicholas Peter Careedy

Nicholas Peter Careedy passed away on Sunday 14th October 2012, aged 100. His funeral service will be held on Friday 19th at St. Paraskevi, 241 Church Road, Taigum, Brisbane at 10 am.

Memorial service for the late Professor Yianni Sakellaraki

ANNOUNCEMENT - INVITATION On Saturday 13th October 2012, around 11:30 a.m. a memorial service will be held for the late Professor Yianni Sakellaraki at Agios Giorgios sto Vouno (St. George on the Mountain). This is the site where Yiannis Sakella...

New Lafcadio Hearn Face book Page

https://www.facebook.com/lafcadiokassimati.hearn Excellent page featuring all information, exhibitions, events etc surrounding the life of Lafcadio Hearn.

New video about the Roxy, Bingara on youtube

See the new video about the 75th anniversary celebrations of the Roxy theatre in Bingara, NSW and the reopening of Peters Cafe next door. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr7vZ1m7naY&feature=youtu.be Greg Punch filmed the material in April 2011....

Family of Menas Kontoleon and Maria Kassimatis

I am looking for the Family of Menas Kontoleon who married Maria Kassimatis in Kythera. My Grand-Father John Kontoleon was born in Kythera 1n 1900 and came to Australia with his Uncle on a boat when he was thirteen. They settled in Brisbane.He had...

LAUNCH of Emmanuel Kalligeros's Kytherian Toponymia

3rd August, 2012 7:30pm Pnevmutiko Kendro, Hora (The Hall next to the Archaeological Museum, Hora). Kytherian Toponymia, is an extremely important book. Author: Emmanual Kalligeros When Published: 2012 Publisher: Society of Kyth...

An exhibition on the island of Hytra (just off Kapsali)

Just begun!! Don't miss this! Like most exhibitions at Zeidoros - it' excellent. Zeidoros Centre for the Arts & Education is located in Kapsali bay. It consists of a listed Venetian building, an amphitheatre and a restaurant area. The b...

family tree

we are looking for help in tracing our family tree. all we know is that john calligeros--nickname possibly lambrogiannis--married katerina and had 6 children-spiros, peter, eleni, mary(who married vretos lourantos) koula(who married george calligeros...


Hi, My name is Liz Abernethy and I am seeking information from anyone who had relatives who worked in the ARONEY BROS. CAFE in NOWRA, NSW, Australia in the early 1920's. My mother was born in December 1924. Her mother was a local unmarried girl wh...


Hi all, I am planning a trip to Kythera to rescue our beautiful family home (August/September 2012). Would anyone have suggestions /links/contacts / advice re the cheapest /safest way to ship furniture etc. back to Australia. Has anyone don...

Prof. G. L. Huxley on Kythera to give a presentation

In the 1960's archaeological excavations and studies were conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Museum and The British School at Athens around the area of Palaeopoli and ancient Scandia, Kastri in order to examine the links between Kythera and...


Tuesday, 5 June 2012: 6:30 for 7:00pm: CCANESA Boardroom, Madsen Building, University of Sydney. The AAIA with the support of the Kytherian Association of Australia present a FREE PUBLIC LECTURE by PROFESSOR John Hugh Seiradakis, Professor at the...

youtube ochi day


I am searching for lirics and mp3 of music

I am Bob Scholten from Holland. I worked at Kythera in 1965 and some years later in a team of Word Council of Churches. I am looking for the lyrics of Kytherian songs (the music from this site I have already). I am also interested in mp3's of Greek...

Ava Carrère and The Beefeaters

Yassas, I will be playing a show at Astikon on Wednesday eve, 9.30 It will be a big melting pot of French-American-Greek music, a bit traditional, a bit alternative I was raised on this island and I've traveled a bit since, but I love to come bac...

Peacocks at Myrtidia

Am I right in remembering peacocks at Myrtidia and are they still there?


GALLIPOLI 1915: IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE GREEKS Professor Christopher Mackie (La Trobe University, Melbourne) 7.30 pm Monday 14 May 2012 The Greek Club 29-31 Edmonstone Street, South Brisbane View / Download a .pdf copy of this Invitat...


Hi My Name is Michael Casimaty 57 Years of age (previously Kassimati or Kasimati I Think) and our place of residence is Millicent (South Eastern end of ) South Australia - Australia Looking for any info on my ancestors I don’t seem to have much i...

Photographic Art Exhibition by Elise Hilder

★★★☆ What Remains of The Day, Greece / Australia ☆★★★ Exhibition runs from 1st May - 12th May Opening Night Inviitation: 6 pm Saturday, 5th May View / download a .pdf Invitation below: Griffith University Exhibition.pdf Griffith Univer...