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Leslie James Comino - Bundaberg Queensland Australia

It would be nice to hear from my Aunty Mrs. Andrew Comino late of Wee Waa NSW Australia and cousin Maria who left Australia and went to Kythera to live I beleive. Also another cousin Mrs Anna Coronios from Kensington, Sydney formally of Scone NSW. Al...


any venardos or related from karavas,please contact me. emmanuel venardos,son of minas,grand son of evangelos.family name,mayriros .

Genealogical sources

Hello to all, In case you Kytherians out there haven't already found out, the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormoms) has a terrific website with FREE downloadable software. Go to http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/default.asp then click on any info...

Gavrilis Family connections

Anyone living in the Sydney area could contact my cousin Con Gavrilis at Astor Base Metals PTY. LTD, and tell him about this site. He has much to contribute and has many photographs also about Kythera and its people. He is very civic minded and also...

The Kytherian Hospital Appeal

We are fortunate indeed to have a Hospital in Potamos that serves not only the local residents but also visitors from abroad. It is consoling for Kytherians and visitors to know that urgent medical support is available when needed. The Hospital howev...

Gathering of Greeks Inverell Australia 27 March 2004

A gathering of the descendents of pioneering Greeks of Inverell and District will be held in Inverell to honour the pioneering Greeks who settled at Inverell and the surrounding towns of Warialda, Bingara, Bundarra, Ashford, Tingha, Delungra and Ashf...

Stratigos family lineage

I am trying to go back past my grandfather, George Spyridon Stratigos married to Kierani Karides in the 1800's in the town of Milopotamos. He had a brother Cosmas. I'm trying to find out if he had any other brothers.

Kythera Photographic Archive

The Kythera Cultural Association is in the process of forming the Kythera Photographic Archive. The archive is devoted to preserving, restoring, studying and publishing Kythera’s rich photographic heritage, a substantial part of which has unfortunate...

Cassimatis Family

I am looking for those who are related to Harry Cassimatis who came to Australia when he was 19 in about 1910. His father was a priest and he was one of 14 children. He lived mainly in Victoria and ran cafes in Swan Hill with some of his siblings. I...

Fatseas Family

I am trying to locate some members of the Fatseas family. Peter Fatseas came to Australia 1889 and returned to Greece 1901. He then came back to Australia late 1901 and brought with him his brother George and nephew Alexander. Peter and George's pare...

Greek Business Directory 1935 - 38

Apparently some representative of an American based publishing company toured the world over the 1935-38 period taking subscriptions from Greek business ownerswho wanted to be listed. Getting hold of the whole book and extracting the Kytherians from...

Help us build Kythera-Family.net!

We are looking for people within the Kytherian community who would like to help us collect all the stories, documents, recipes etc. which are in the heads and hearts (and dusty draws!) of the older members of the community who don't have access to a...