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Note that the next induction ceremony for the Greek Australian Sports Hall of Fame will be conducted ob the 5th November, 2004, at the Wentworth Hotel, Sydney. Inductees include: Spyridakos, Tony: Soccer Taliadoros, Kimon: Soccer Tohouroglou, K...

October 28th

To commemorate this Greek National Day,please go to Culture,subsection songs and poems and read "To Parapono tis Ellados". It is written in Greek.


We are looking for any family from Kythera with connection to Nicholas P. Leftheris who died in 1964 in Masury, OH USA at age 72. His first wife, Stamatoula Psaros died from influenza after just a 2 years of marriage. She left behind her 1 1/2 yr. so...

Kytherian family in St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Hi- I am trying to figure out the last name of one of my grandmother's cousins. The cousin was Foto (_____) Panaretos. Foto corresponded with my grandmother from St. Louis. Names in this Kytherian family included Mina, Nikola, Vasiliki, Basiliki, an...

Claudia Karvan - Kytherian television icon?

An article by Tim Blair in the Bulletin (Dec 2003) confirms that "Karvan’s family emigrated to Australia from Greece". http://bulletin.ninemsn.com.au/bulletin/eddesk.nsf/All/D35986E38DAFDB5CCA256DEB007D1AD4!open According to the web-site at...

Moving to Kythera

Hello everyone! I am a decendant of the Samios family. My Grandmother was Maria Samios, wife of Peter Samios. My mother is Georgia Samios Marudas. We currently reside in Baltimore Maryland, USA. We will be moving to Kythera to start our family. We ca...

Frederick Rand on the 27th of January 1945

Captain Frederick Rand was appointed the first caretaker of Kythera after Greece was liberated after World War II. A street in Hora was named in his honour. Does anyone know what happened to the street sign? For more information see section "History"...

Panaretos and Trifillis Families

Looking for anyone with either info on the Trifillis/Treefull families of Massachusetts and Maryland or on the Panaretos/Panaretou family of St. Louis. Trifillis family (alos spelled Treefull/ Treeful) from Trifilianika went to Fall River, MA; New...

The Day they blew the church at Ayia Pelagia to Kingdom Come.

In 1942, three Kytherians, Haralambos Coroneos ("'I Horyos"), Nicholas Souris ("Varvarkis"), and Yiannis Mavrogeorgios ("Fatseas"), decided that they would move a German unexploded bomb from the beach at Firi Ammos into the church at Ayia Pelagia, an...

Families with ancestors that lived in Smyrna

I think it would be interesting if all the Kytherians who had families or relatives that had imigrated to Smyrna,and then consequently were dispersed due to the Turkish expulsion in 1922-23. would post a little of what they know and we could have a s...

Father's birthplace, village

As near as I can determine from all the records my Mother left with me, my Father emigrated to the USA in, I believe, 1910 or 1911. He was born in either 1887 or 1889 on Kythera and they were a family of Sponge divers from all the things Dad talked a...

Tatarakis family

I am searching for information on the Tatarakis family. My grandfather, Jacob Tatarakis, immigrated to the States from Syros in 1917. My family currently lives in Sacramento, Calif.

Names of the parents of Michael Panaretos?

Ross Tzannes (Sydney, Australia) posted oral history of Michael Panaretos at kythera-family.net. He mentioned that "Maria Freeleagus (nee Panaretos) went to visit the old man and gained his confidence." Did she, or the passport office (Michael applie...

2004 Olympics in Athens

To all my Greek friends and relatives , I want to extend my feeling of pride of being Greek and to what the Greek people were able to accomplish in these Olympics. It went off without any of the predicted problems of terroristism or non-ability of th...

Looking for relatives of Calligeros Family from Pitsinanika

My grandmother Maria Calligeros came to USA on the early 1900's from Kythera with her brother Steve and sisters Froso. She left behind her oldest sister- Stamatoula her youngest sister Koola-and whom has 3 children- Monogli,Irene (who moved to Aus...

Tsirigotis in US

I am searching for anyone related to Lambros Andres Tsirigotis born 1894 in Greece, most likely Athens. He had a sister Elaine (American version of her name). In 1916 Lambros came to America aboard the USS Patris, arriving at Ellis Island. He sett...

Looking for info on Peter John Cassimatis or Kassimatis

Looking for information on my late grandfather John Peter Cassimatis or Kassimatis. I know he was born in Kythira. I believe in the town of Levadi. He had a brother named George, and two sisters, one named Helen and one Irene. We believe Hele...